Pocket Guide to the Estate

New! For sale in Ashland's Museum Store.

What is in A Pocket Guide to Ashland?  Within the guide, guests will find information that explains the space around them.  This includes Henry Clay’s role as a scientific farmer, slavery at Ashland, the evolution of the mansion, the historic garden, and lost buildings of Ashland. 

The pocket guide also includes a new hand drawn map of the estate that is specifically designed to help guests better navigate the 17 acres of historic space while marking locations pertaining to the historical information provided in the guide. 

In addition to the expanded historical information found in the guide, there are QR codes that will direct guests to the new Henry Clay Memorial Foundation website where they can find in-depth information about all things Ashland. 

The pocket guide serves two more purposes: to encourage guests to return for a guided tour, and as a souvenir that can share the story of Ashland to people beyond the grounds. 

Available for purchase in the H. Clay & Co. Museum Store.

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